Onko Chishin 温故知新
One characteristic of people who are bad at cooking is that they don’t follow recipes. If the recipe itself is […]
One characteristic of people who are bad at cooking is that they don’t follow recipes. If the recipe itself is […]
子曰、過而不改、是謂過矣 子(し)曰(いわ)く、過ちて改めざる、是(こ)れを過ちと謂(い) う。 Confucius said, “To make a mistake and not correct it is to truly make a mistake.” This […]
Tenshinryu supports creators and has collaborated on various creative works, including the renowned game “Ghost of Tsushima.” The photos and […]
**A Discussion on Apologies** This is a story about someone who previously defamed Tenshinryu. A person who had repeatedly defamed […]
A Common Challenge in Teaching: “Students Are Not Improving” One of the common challenges in teaching is the concern that […]
In the martial arts world, it is common to hear questions like, ‘Are the techniques being passed down now really […]
you should think. Does this question make sense? I have been teaching martial arts for many years, and I receive […]
I would like to convey this message to all Tenshin-ryu practitioners and those who are interested. This is a special […]
Misunderstandings and problems of Japanese traditional martial arts I would like to introduce two theories. One is about the establishment […]
Let’s be careful. Our words build our character. When you vomit from your mouth, all but the closest people will […]