Greek Keikokai Certification

Greek Keikokai Certification

This is good news.
Marios San, the leader of the Greek Online Keikokai, came to Japan and trained.
In recognition of the continuous activities of the Greek Online Keikokai, we have authorized the establishment of Greece’s Keikokai as a new Keikokai.

We then appointed Marios San as the representative of Keikokai in Greece and awarded him a certificate of recognition for the Keikokai in Greece and a letter of appointment as representative of Keikokai in Greece.

We fully support their activities and development. Everyone, please support Greece’s Keikokai.

Tenshinryu Hyoho 11th Shike Ide Ryusetsu
Tenshinryu Hyoho 10th Shike Kuwami Masakumo





天心流兵法 第十一世師家 井手 柳雪
天心流兵法 第十世師家 鍬海 政雲



Greek Keikokaiの最新記事8件